Henry Lau and Lee Dong Hae

Henry Lau and Lee Dong Hae

Minggu, 26 Desember 2010


She is Vio Valencia,
Sheis a good friend and she's also a good listener 

She is Monica Aryani,
Sometimes she can make me angry 
Sometimes she can make me Happy and good listener 

She is Amadea Rosely 
sometimes the words can make me upset but behind it she can also give a solution when there is a problem  

She is Grace Nathania 
she was always entertaining and a good secret keeper

She is Gusti Ayu Chilsa Re (ChaCha) 
She A good entertainer 

She is Nadya Astrella 
She can speak english with a smart 

She is GaVriella Insan S.
She like K-Pop so much especially super junior 
She is Sherly or PS 
She have a good voice and her voice is Laugh

She is Lidya 
She is Smartest in my class

She is Ella
She is so Funny
She is a good friend

He is Dylan
He is my New Friend but he can be like my Brother

He is Randy and Ken
Randy is my friend ,Ken is Randy`s brother
They are a good friend and brother

She is Cya and Bell
She is Randy`s Sisters
They are very cute and Funny

She is Vinda
She is My Sisters, she is a good sister
She is Vanessa Adelia or Adelia
She My Sister, She live in Perth now..
I miss My Sister so much
She is Siao Fang and Siao Ing
They are my Sister too
She is Felicia or FeA 
She is My Sister,She live in Surabaya
She like me also like K-Pop

She is Valentia or Valent and Yen Yen 
They are the youngest mandarin teacher who has taught me
If not the hour lesson I call him Sisters 

He is Anthony
He is My friend
(Sorry I can not rotate your picture)
He is Henry,Kenneth and Daniel

She is Yosefin

She is Anita
Me and Anita are Brandon`s Sister

Mada,Anthony,Syerly,and Nadya 

He is Nicho 
He is My Brother 


Kamis, 16 Desember 2010

Super Junior Donghae ‘cannot do activities with all members makes me sad’

Super Junior Donghae mengungkapkan kesedihan nya karena tidak bisa melakukan kegiatan promosi album bersama semua anggota Super Junior. Donghae mengatakan ‘sejak saya debut, saya banyak menangis karena anggota Super Junior’
Donghae mengatakan ‘kita juga pernah pergi naik mobil selama 4 jam, dan selama 1,5 jam saya merasa terganggu, dan hanya melihat keluar jendela, melihat langit, dan air mata terus mengalir ‘. dia mengatakan tidak bisa melakukan kegiatan bersama sering membuat dia sedih.
dengan pengakuan Donghae ini, Shindong mengatakan ‘pada acara penghargaan akhir tahun, Donghae terus melihat keatas, menahan air mata nya, saya pun bertanya kenapa dia menangis, dan dia menjawab ‘karena jadwal yang padat, anggota kita seperti nya kelihatan capek”, menirukan dengan cara yang lucu, shindong membuat semua bintang tamu tertawa
Eunhyuk pun berkomentar ‘dia pastinya sedih karena selama ini bersama dengan Kibum, akan tetapi karena kegiatan sendiri, Kibum tidak bisa melakukan kegiatan bersama kita, Donghae memang gampang menangis. ‘ dengan komentar eunhyuk dan shindong, Donghae merespon dengan mengatakan ‘menangis sebenernya adalah hal yang membuat saya tidak nyaman, akan tetapi saya juga tidak tahu air mata suka jatuh begitu saja’. Eunhyuk pun menirukan gaya donghae ketika menangis, dan membuat semua bintang tamu tertawa

Dong hae ingin kembali ke waktu sebelum ayahnya meninggal!

Penyanyi Lee Donghae (Super Junior) telah melakukan sebuah sesi wawancara dengan W Korea .
Super Junior Lee Donghae sekarang terlihat lebih Dewasa,  Dia  membiarkan dan menggunakan rasa percaya diri didalam hidupnya  tanpa penyesalan.
Q : Untuk diri sendiri, apakah Anda memiliki kata-kata atau saran yang ingin Anda dengar?
Menghabiskan waktu dengan baik, meskipun ingin melakukan hal-hal yang ingin saya lakukan dengan mudah, tetapi masih tidak mudah … Ketika saya masih muda, tidak hanya berpikir tentang bermain ketika memiliki waktu luang, aku merasa tidak aman jika tidak belajar sesuatu.
Q: Kapan Anda merasa benar-benar  bahagia?
Ketika saya berolahraga, mendengarkan musik, melihat sesuatu, merasakan sesuatu. Terutama pada saat merasakan sesuatu, saat itu adalah yang paling bahagia. Meskipun merasa popularitas yang sangat penting, tetapi dibandingkan dengan itu, saat-saat bahagia seperti, berbicara dan tertawa dengan orang-orang sekitar disekitar saya, mengobrol, dan memakan makanan yang baik.
Tentu saja, sebagai penyanyi, berdiri di atas panggung juga merupakan suatu kebahagiaan. Berada di depan 20 ~ 30 ribu penggemar, mengatakan satu hal selama konser, menyanyikan lagu, akan ada tanggapan langsung dari semua orang. Semacam itu merupakan suatu perasaan yang tak terlukiskan.
apakah hal yang membuat Anda tetap diserap?
Orang-orang yang saya cintai. Jika saya ingin memahami seseorang, saya akan melakukannya dengan baik, akan bekerja keras dan memberikan segalanya kepada pihak lain. Meskipun ingin menjadi keberadaan yang paling penting (untuk seseorang itu) tapi terkadang hal itu tidak seperti ini.
Bersama dengan seseorang dan seseorang itu menjadi bahagia, oleh karena itu dibandingkan saya melakukan  solo , saya lebih suka berada bersama member yang lainnya. Karena saya tidak akan merasa kesepian , jadi jika tidak ada orang di sekitar saya, saya akan merasa sangat sedih.
Apakah ada usia yang ingin Anda kembali ke usia tersebut atau usia yang Anda ingin tumbuh dengan cepat?
Meskipun usia tumbuh cepat, tetapi masih bisa menunggu hal-hal untuk dapat berfokus, atau merencanakan dll. Dalam hal ini, saya dapat memiliki saat-saat di mana ada kebahagiaan dan kesedihan. memegang  nama nama grup Super Junior  sedikit menakutkan, meskipun merasakan cinta dari banyak orang, tetapi sebagai Lee Donghae, tidak mampu menunjukkan terlalu banyak kepada semua orang. Mulai sekarang, sebagai seorang aktor, aku akan menunjukkan semua sisi lain dari Lee Donghae, berjalan lebih jauh, akan tumbuh dan bekerja lebih keras juga. Dan juga,  saya ingin kembali kewaktu sebelum ayah meninggal, berfikir kembali ke hari muda, ingin menghabiskan waktu lebih banyak dengan ayah.

Hardest Moment for Oppa Dong Hae

Papanya Donghae meninggal karena sakit.. Kanker... Donghae sama papanya emang deket banget. Papanya Donghae itu dulunya punya cita-cita pengen jadi penyanyi. Sayang ga kesampean.

Tapi anaknya tercinta, Donghae, yang ikut audisi SM, ternyata keterima di SM. Papanya bangga banget ama Donghae dan bahagia banget Donghae bisa keterima dan bisa jadi penyanyi. Papanya ngaku emang dia agak sedih juga karena jadi susah komunikasi ama Donghae coz Donghae pasti sibuk ama aktivitasnya.

Nah, setelah Donghae debut di Super Junior, kan Donghae udah mandiri banget tuh, and udah punya penghasilan yang lumayan. Nah, Donghae mau balik ke kampungnya nemuin keluarganya sekaligus buat ngasihin hasil jerih payah dia sebagai penyanyi. Itulah saat dimana papanya Donghae meninggal, and Donghae shock banget saat itu.

Anak2 Super Junior langsung dikasih kabar tentang meningglanya papa Donghae. Mereka langsung nyusul Donghae n jelas semuanya berduka banget.

N ternyata sebelom papanya meninggal, anak2 Suju sempet kaya karaokean bareng gitu ato ada pesta gitu. Nah papanya Donghae tuh diajak coz di tempat itu ada penyanyi favorit yang dikagumin ama papanya Donghae. Papanya Donghae seneng banget pas di situ. Cuma ga tau kenapa, maybe kaya ada semacem perasaan ga enak, papanya Donghae tiba2 mau ngomong ama Eeteuk tapi cuma empat mata. Mereka ngobrol2, papanya Donghae bilang ke Eeteuk "pasti berat ya ngurusin dongsaeng2mu..." terus Eeteuk jawab "ngga kok. Kan ini uda kewajiban saya sebagai leader. Jadi saya harus bisa nanganin dan jaga mereka semua"

Nah tiba2 aja papanya Donghae bilang gini "maaf tapi Om punya satu permohonan. Om mau nitipin anak Om ke kamu.. Om minta kamu jaga dia.." Nah disitu karena emang lagi suasana seneng2 Eeteuk ga sadar kalo itu juga sebenernya pertanda buruk. Tapi Eeteuk janji ama papanya Donghae kalo dia bakalan jagain Donghae dan memperlakukan dia kaya adikya sendiri. Denger itu papanya Donghae kaya ngerasa tenang banget uda nitipin anaknya ke Eeteuk.

Ga lama setelah itu ya papanya Donghae meninggal karna kanker yang dia derita uda dari lama. Ampe sekarang Donghae masih ga bisa ngelupain papanya. Setiap kali dia ditanyain tentang papanya (misalnya di acara2 talk show gitu), Donghae pasti nangis. Eeteuk juga pasti langsung nangis coz dia tau banget betapa sayangnya Donghae ke papanya n begitu juga sebaliknya.. Member Suju yang lain kaya Kangin, Shindong juga bener2 sedih banget karna mereka juga deket banget ama papanya Donghae..

Yaaa, itu aja informasi yang bisa aku kasitau... Kira2 gitu kejadiannya... Aku juga sedih banget tiap kali denger Donghae cerita tentang papanya. Keliatan banget sih kalo dia sayang banget sama papanya. Dan keliatan banget kalo Eeteuk bener2 dapet tugas dari almarhum untuk ngejagain dongsaeng-nya itu.. Eeteuk emang leader yang hebat banget. Dan aku salut buat Donghae yang terus berjuang walaupun banyak rintangan yang dia hadepin..

Jumat, 12 November 2010

Little Facts about Hae

Dong Hae is close friends with Yunho of DBSK /TVXQ. He was put into a five member group with Lee Teuk before the debut of Super Junior, but it fell through. His father, who he hadn’t seen for six years due to his training as a singer, passed away on August 8, 2006 due to chronic illness. Some of the names of said group were “OK”, “Smile”, and “Pricor”. Recently, he was featured in BoA’s Key Of Heart Korean music video as BoA’s high school boyfriend & a robot. He was also featured in SNSD's Kissing You mv. he's so adorable!!
his ideal girl is someone who will take good care of him.
donghae's personality is just sooo cute, he's such a kid!!! <333 him!!!
+ His name is Donghae. "Dong" as in east. Hae" as in sea.

+ He grew up in Mokpo and went to Seoul when he was very young. He has been separated from his parents for five years due to training. He often lost sleep worrying about them.

+ Although the training was very long, but to succeed as a singer, he stayed strong until today.

+ He loves children and puppies.

+ He looks cold-hearted, but is actually a very warm-hearted, nice person.

+ When he twisted his foot on stage, he held back the pain because of the next performance and the fans.

+ He sometimes tells nonsense stories to make people happy.

+ He is cute when you see his silly side.

+ He is a person who everyone around him likes.

+ When his hyung (older brother/male) is in an upset mood, he will cook noodles for them.

+ When he jokes with his hyung, he will not use formalities.

+ Like a girl, he is very pretty, but has a manly face-structure.

+ He will always remember his hyung's birthdays. He doesn't manage a Cyworld often, but when it's a friend's birthday, he would post pictures and a message on his Cyworld.

+ He often wears a hat or a beanie.

+ When he was still in the group O-Kay, Hyukjae and Junsu jokingly told him that he is officially a celebrity and his life/himself will change. Once he heard of that, he ran out to the streets and cried.

+ He often cried when he was on the phone with his parents. He is now trying hard to hold back his tears.

+ When his father was sick, he rushed over to see him.

+ When he received his first place award for the first time, he said, "Father, I hope you're healthy."

+ When he received his first place award for the first time, he thought back of the hardships endured before and cried.

+ He loves to watch movies, especially foreign movies like Titanic (evidence in Super Junior Full House).

+ Although he once said he doesn't like to be too close (as in body contact) with someone, we can obviously see that he loves hugging.

+ He loves Song Hye Gyo.

+ He loves seafood.

+ When he is with Hyukjae, he is very playful like a puppy.

+ He likes it when others call him a prince.

+ Eunhyuk & Donghae = Eunhae. But because he is afraid that Siwon will be mad, he created Eunshihae.

+ He said he is very happy that he is part of Super Junior

Honest, handsome, and cute...
Lee Dong Hae. hehe * ^__^ *
the best and has the biggest heart i know

Jumat, 22 Oktober 2010

100 Fishy Facts

1. Name: Pinocchio (his nickname given by Heechul)
2. Age: 22
3. Birthday: 1986.10.15
5. School: Harry Potter School~
6. Height: I’m like third high C on the keyboard
7. Blood type: A
8. Religion: Below God’s sky . . .
9. Hobbies: To listen to Cinderella’s ( HeeChul ) gossip
10. Personality: I’m lovable
11. When you’re the happiest: When I write in my diary
12. Your biggest complaint currently: No computer at home
13. What you wear when you sleep: Pajamas are the best!
14. A hairstyle you like on the opposite gender: Silky hair
15. Ideal girl: It could be you who’s reading this right now
16. Habits: Whenever I think of you (music note)
17. Favorite fruit: Tangerine, pear, strawberry, kiwi – they’re the best
18. Favorite vegetable: Carrot!!
19. Guy celebrities you think are good looking: Cinderella, Snow White.
20. Girl celebrities you think are pretty: Song Hye Gyo !
21. A treasured possession: Polaris
22. Numbers you like: 3, 6, 9
23. Things that stress you: I want to see my big brother (DongHwa hyung).
24. My bad qualities: The fact that I can’t be a citizen on the planet BangWheeDaeHuLweh
25. Your mood right now: Zzang!!
26. What you want to do right now: I want to see KiBum but he’s not coming (ahah! how cute!)
27. A kid you like: A kid that’s like a kid
28. Food you like: Chicken DoRiTang
29. Food you don’t like: Anything sweet
30. Shoe size: 270
31. Drinking capacity: Beer is always N O ! !
32. Cigarette: Smoking is also always N O ! !
33. A movie that made you sad: Whatever others say is sad . . . is sad
34. A childhood dream: Even if I run into a huge car, I never get hurt.
35. Motto: Let’s not get scorn from others!
36. Bedtime: Whenever I want to sleep!
37. Your future hope: To conquest America
38. Do you think you’re the type that laughs easily: I laugh easily inside hah
39. Something you cook well: Ramyun, just something strange. Do you want to eat?
40. Where do you live right now?: somewhere in Korea
41. An event that remains in your memory: From fifth grade to junior high (wonder what happened there)
42. What you say often: Let’s go see a movie, I missed you, you live inside of me!
43. Have you ever gone out of country: NO!
44. First kiss: When are you going to kiss me??
45. If you did, where: Me??
46. When you see a girl, where do you look first: Pupils
58. If you suddenly got million won: To my parents…
59. A drama that you had fun watching?: Dramas are my sole joy in life!
60. A movie you had fun watching?: Movies are my sole life!
61. Eyesight: 2.0
62. Destressing methods: Shopping!
63. What you want to learn: Everything in the world.
64. What you want to do: I want to meet Justin!
65. If your girlfriend was dying: I would do whatever it takes to rescue her!
66. When do you feel like you hate yourself: Even when I hate myself, I still like myself
67. About relationships before marriage: I don’t care
68. Lifestyle principle: There is nothing in life that comes looking for you.
69. Weather that I like: A weather that is good for movie-watching
70. When is your TV time: When dramas are on.
71. Precious friends: My hyung (DongHwa)
72. Life is?: Happiness
73. Favorite drink: Milk
75: Favorite cookies: PokaPoka~chip
76. If you break up with your girlfriend, you would go: to sing
77. A teacher you respect: My teacher is my father!
78. Introduce your family: Grandpa, Grandma, Dad, Mom, Hyung, Me
79. Happiness is: The fact that I can do something right now!
80. A birthday present that you remember most: Just the fact that I’m healthy
81. Favorite animal: Maltese, Yorkie
82. Favorite plant: Flower
83. Favorite season: Spring, summer, fall, winter, I wish the season would change once everyday
84. About antis: good bye
85. If you had to choose between love or friendship: Both~(I can do it^^)
86. If the world was to come to an end tomorrow: I want to spend it with my family
87. Singing skills: Nice good
88. Dancing skills: Nice zzang
89. Your theme song: If you like it I will do as much as you want
91. Favorite fruit tree: I like them all
92. What do you feel about relationships where a girl is older than the boy: If they like it, well…be happy!
93. If you were to die tomorrow: What…with my family again
94. When do you want to marry: When I see Polaris
95. Yourself 20 years later: I love you
96. A country you want to see the most: America, Australia, Canada!
97. E-mail: Um…I have 4
98. What you want to say to those who read this: Do you want to fall into Donghae’s smile? (My answer is YES YES YES!)
99. If you had a trait you want to fix: Where?
100. Last word: Is Planet HuLwehShiMan really unconquerable??