Henry Lau and Lee Dong Hae

Henry Lau and Lee Dong Hae

Jumat, 22 Oktober 2010

100 Fishy Facts

1. Name: Pinocchio (his nickname given by Heechul)
2. Age: 22
3. Birthday: 1986.10.15
5. School: Harry Potter School~
6. Height: I’m like third high C on the keyboard
7. Blood type: A
8. Religion: Below God’s sky . . .
9. Hobbies: To listen to Cinderella’s ( HeeChul ) gossip
10. Personality: I’m lovable
11. When you’re the happiest: When I write in my diary
12. Your biggest complaint currently: No computer at home
13. What you wear when you sleep: Pajamas are the best!
14. A hairstyle you like on the opposite gender: Silky hair
15. Ideal girl: It could be you who’s reading this right now
16. Habits: Whenever I think of you (music note)
17. Favorite fruit: Tangerine, pear, strawberry, kiwi – they’re the best
18. Favorite vegetable: Carrot!!
19. Guy celebrities you think are good looking: Cinderella, Snow White.
20. Girl celebrities you think are pretty: Song Hye Gyo !
21. A treasured possession: Polaris
22. Numbers you like: 3, 6, 9
23. Things that stress you: I want to see my big brother (DongHwa hyung).
24. My bad qualities: The fact that I can’t be a citizen on the planet BangWheeDaeHuLweh
25. Your mood right now: Zzang!!
26. What you want to do right now: I want to see KiBum but he’s not coming (ahah! how cute!)
27. A kid you like: A kid that’s like a kid
28. Food you like: Chicken DoRiTang
29. Food you don’t like: Anything sweet
30. Shoe size: 270
31. Drinking capacity: Beer is always N O ! !
32. Cigarette: Smoking is also always N O ! !
33. A movie that made you sad: Whatever others say is sad . . . is sad
34. A childhood dream: Even if I run into a huge car, I never get hurt.
35. Motto: Let’s not get scorn from others!
36. Bedtime: Whenever I want to sleep!
37. Your future hope: To conquest America
38. Do you think you’re the type that laughs easily: I laugh easily inside hah
39. Something you cook well: Ramyun, just something strange. Do you want to eat?
40. Where do you live right now?: somewhere in Korea
41. An event that remains in your memory: From fifth grade to junior high (wonder what happened there)
42. What you say often: Let’s go see a movie, I missed you, you live inside of me!
43. Have you ever gone out of country: NO!
44. First kiss: When are you going to kiss me??
45. If you did, where: Me??
46. When you see a girl, where do you look first: Pupils
58. If you suddenly got million won: To my parents…
59. A drama that you had fun watching?: Dramas are my sole joy in life!
60. A movie you had fun watching?: Movies are my sole life!
61. Eyesight: 2.0
62. Destressing methods: Shopping!
63. What you want to learn: Everything in the world.
64. What you want to do: I want to meet Justin!
65. If your girlfriend was dying: I would do whatever it takes to rescue her!
66. When do you feel like you hate yourself: Even when I hate myself, I still like myself
67. About relationships before marriage: I don’t care
68. Lifestyle principle: There is nothing in life that comes looking for you.
69. Weather that I like: A weather that is good for movie-watching
70. When is your TV time: When dramas are on.
71. Precious friends: My hyung (DongHwa)
72. Life is?: Happiness
73. Favorite drink: Milk
75: Favorite cookies: PokaPoka~chip
76. If you break up with your girlfriend, you would go: to sing
77. A teacher you respect: My teacher is my father!
78. Introduce your family: Grandpa, Grandma, Dad, Mom, Hyung, Me
79. Happiness is: The fact that I can do something right now!
80. A birthday present that you remember most: Just the fact that I’m healthy
81. Favorite animal: Maltese, Yorkie
82. Favorite plant: Flower
83. Favorite season: Spring, summer, fall, winter, I wish the season would change once everyday
84. About antis: good bye
85. If you had to choose between love or friendship: Both~(I can do it^^)
86. If the world was to come to an end tomorrow: I want to spend it with my family
87. Singing skills: Nice good
88. Dancing skills: Nice zzang
89. Your theme song: If you like it I will do as much as you want
91. Favorite fruit tree: I like them all
92. What do you feel about relationships where a girl is older than the boy: If they like it, well…be happy!
93. If you were to die tomorrow: What…with my family again
94. When do you want to marry: When I see Polaris
95. Yourself 20 years later: I love you
96. A country you want to see the most: America, Australia, Canada!
97. E-mail: Um…I have 4
98. What you want to say to those who read this: Do you want to fall into Donghae’s smile? (My answer is YES YES YES!)
99. If you had a trait you want to fix: Where?
100. Last word: Is Planet HuLwehShiMan really unconquerable??

Fishy Facts


Donghae likes to be called 'Prince'

Donghae loves to watch movies, especially foreign movies. He likes to try to speak English

Donghae is afraid of ghosts so he sleeps with a nightlight

Donghae has a good relationship with BoA. BoA is one of his best friends

Donghae said that the nicest lips among SJ members is Eunhyuk's when he wakes up

Other members said that Donghae stares like a beast while performing U

Kyuhyun said "Donghae dances like he wants to destroy the stage". Because Donghae always dances with too much power

Donghae wants his future wife to wake him up with a sweet kiss and make him some sandwiches

Donghae doesn't like to be alone, so Eunhyuk always accompanies him

Hae loves puppies. He has a cute dog named Bada which means "the sea"

Donghae loves skinship. He hugs people to wake them up 

Being a singer was Donghae's father's dream. When he was a boy, he really wanted to be a soccer player

Donghae sings My Everything on the first Super Show. He sings that for his father

Donghae's special day is on October 8th, because it was the last time he saw his father

When Hae was a child, he was so naughty. He loved pressing his neighbour's bell, then ran away

Hae loves his father so much that he cried in an award night and said, "This is for you, Dad"

Hae never took the bracelet off his left wrist, which was given by his mom

Hae left a message "ELF I LOVE U" on fancafe, then Sungmin called him and told him he typed LOVE as LVOE

When Kibum first came to Korea, Hae is the first person that hugged him

During trainee period, Teukie always accompanies Hae to go to school

If Donghae had a girlfriend, he would like to give her a tour around his hometown, Mokpo

Donghae likes girl who has nice forehead, so when he sees it, he feels like he wants to kiss it

When Donghae took the high school examination, Heechul got up early to cook eggs for his breakfast

Donghae loves writing poems

Lee Dong Hae Facts

01 Donghae left a message for Eunhyuk that says “Hyukjae, I love you~” 
250* replies “Stop harbouring such a one-sided love.” 

02 Before the bungee-jump, 250* screamed “Let’s break up, Donghae!” 
Donghae replied, “Come down, I’ll hit you!” 

03 Someone mentioned “I didn’t manage to sleep because of the mosquito. Hyung, teach that mosquito a lesson.” 
Donghae replied, “Give me that mosquito’s full name and address, I’ll teach him a lesson.” 

04 Believes he, himself, is the most popular member among SJ. 

05 He likes a particular sort of hat so much that regardless of whether he sleeps, washes his face or brushes his teeth, he’ll always wear it, believing that his hair and his hat should always be together. 

06 On his birthday, Donghae gave ??* and ??* presents, he gave Qie zi a pair of pants but the measurements were wrong, hence Donghae told Qie zi, “Hyung, you may not be able to fit into the pants, exchange it with someone else then~” 

07 When it was time for Donghae to do the dishes, he’ll say “Hyung, let’s play a game(to decide who does the dishes).” In the end, Hangeng loses and he cried pitifully, “I was also the one who cooked the meals!” 

08 In a kitchen where 10 people shares, Donghae sticks his own photographs everywhere, yet he never does the cooking. 

09 In his younger days, Donghae would press the doorbell of his neighbours everyday after school, and then run off, until one day he was caught and got beaten up. 

10 In his younger days, everytime the kids plays a game, whoever is placed in the same group as Donghae would definitely lose. 

* I believe it refers to Eunhyuk, partly because of the strong Eunhae bond but feel free to correct me if I’m wrong. I’m not too familiar with the various nicknames the Chinese ELFs give the boys. >< 

* I did some research and I believe ??(meaning “Eggplant”) refers to Kangin, while ??(meaning “Mother Teuk”) refers to Leeteuk. Once again, feel free to correct me. >< 

11 When he was in primary school, he was the school’s tallest student, nicknamed “Lee Tall Person”, but after primary school he never grew(in height) anymore, yet his dream girl’s height was 167cm. 

12 When Donghae was 21 years old, he was already thinking being being a father and he said he’ll name his children “Lee Tian Kong” (Lee Sky), “Lee Hai Yang” (Lee Ocean), “Lee Yun Duo” (Lee Cloud)… 

13 Donghae liked to store his money in a bucket (sort of like use it as a piggy bank) 

14 When the MC asks “How do you two address your loved ones?” 
Kangin said “??” (read “Baobei”, meaning “Darling”) 
Donghae then blurted out, “Hyung calls all the girls ‘Baobei’.” 
Then the MC asks “What about you, Donghae?” 
Donghae replied “???” (read “Hai Ta Ma”, sorry but I don’t know what it means) 
Kangin then said “Donghae’s dog is also called ?(Hai)” 

15 After he bought Bada home, he got another dog called ??? (read “Jiu Wei Hu”, meaning “Nine-tailed fox”), people thought it was because he liked watching Naruto, yet our Donghae said “His sirname is ?(read ‘Jiu’, meaning ‘Nine’).” 

16 Ryeowook had said once that he’ll always cook for his hyungs anytime. 
Thus, Donghae came back at midnight after his SM training, and he woke up the sleeping Ryeowook and said “Wake up and cook for me.” 
Ryeowook got upset and said “Hyung, why are you like that? I’m already sleeping, I’m not cooking.” 
Donghae with innocent expression, “Why not? You said you’ll cook anytime, so I woke you up, didn’t you say that before? Well then, I won’t wake you up anymore in the future.” 
Ryeowook then said, “Alright, I’ll cook for Hyung.” 

17 On a particular day, Donghae rung a particular member up and said “I forgot to bring my cell phone, I’m going up to get it.” 

18 Lee Donghae likes Song Hye Kyo a lot, he’ll watch her dramas repeatedly on television and if the Princess (Heechul) wanted to switch channels, he’ll shout “Hey! Kim Heechul!”, and switch the channel back. 

19 Lee Donghae said that if he had a girl whom he liked, he’ll definitely go forward to confess his love “If possible, let’s do according to what I’ve said, if you think it’s a burden, I’ll stay away.” 

20 When Donghae was about to take a high school examination, Princess (Heechul) got up early to cook eggs for him (for breakfast) 

21 Little 13 (Kyuhyun) said “I feel honoured to know Donghae Hyung, but when I’m with him, I feel like I’m more like the hyung.” 

22 When Kibum came back to Korea, Donghae was the first one to hug him 

23 In his younger days, Donghae would be at the balcony, throwing coins at the cars downstairs 

24 When Donghae sits for too long, he’ll unknowingly use his arm to hug his right leg 

25 Lee Donghae likes kids a lot and when he sees any, he’ll want to protect them 

26 “Aiden” is an English name Donghae gave himself 

27 He really hates the color pink, because Rabbit (Sungmin) who lives with him, loves pink a lot and he just couldn’t stand it. 
However since Rabbit’s the Hyung, he can’t do anything. 
Donghae said, “I really can’t stand it, he’s so old already yet he still acts cute, always aegyo with his mother(on the phone?) and it wakes me up.” 
The MC asks, “Then, didn’t you say anything?” 
Donghae replies, “He’s the Hyung so I can’t do anything, I just got up and left the room.” 
The MC then asks, “What if he’s the dongsaeng? Would you kick him?” 
Donghae replies, “Huh? I still won’t kick him.” 

28 Donghae is afraid to be alone, when he eats, he needs someone to accompany him, or else he refuses to eat. 

29 He doesn’t understand why when he autographs for someone, that person will thank him, he feels he should be the one thanking, thanks to all who loves SJ 

30 He thinks “Donghae” isn’t his name, yet he still writes his name as “Donghae”.

Chinese Name: 劉憲華 Liu Xian Hua
English Name: Henry Lau 헨리.
Education: A.Y. Jackson
Birthday: 10/11/1989
Country: Canada (Toronto)

Family: Father (Hong Kong), Mother (Taiwanese)
Expertise: Violin, piano, breakdance, drums, ballet, latin dance, singing 

Fun Facts~
• Can speak six languages - Chinese, Taiwanese, Cantonese, English, Korean, Japanese (• Won many awards for violin, piano and dance 
• Learned 11 years of violin, 6 years of ballet, and join competitions after learning 1 year of breaking
• Was nicknamed as "Leehom Wang #2" at school 
• First appearance in Super Junior's "Don't Don" music video
• First live performance with Super Junior on KBS 2TV Music Bank
• Was chosen at the 2006 SM Entertainment Global Audition
16 year-old, Toronto's Henry Lau, achieved great results for his level 10 violin exam at The Royal Conservatory of Music. He received a silver medal and the award ceremony will be held on the 27th.

Super Junior 4th Album "Bonamana"

Super Junior (Korean: 슈퍼주니어), often referred to as SJ or SuJu (슈주), is a popular boy group from South Korea formed by SM Entertainment in 2005. With a total of 13 members, they are one of the largest boy bands in the world. The group consists of Leeteuk(leader), HeechulHan GengYesungKanginShindongSungminEunhyukSiwonDonghae (singer)RyeowookKibum and Kyuhyun. The only Chinese member, Han Geng, was chosen from three thousand applicants via auditions held in China by SM Entertainment in 2001. As of 2010, only 10 members are active, due to Han Geng's lawsuit against SM Entertainment, Kangin's leave of absence for mandatory military service and Kibum's pursuit of an acting career. However, the remaining members have insisted that they are still part of the group. All members of Super Junior are members of Tomo no Kai.
Super Junior has released and contributed in 20 different kinds of records with varying degrees of success. Over the years, they have been divided into smaller sub groups, simultaneously targeting different music industries and audiences. Largely due to Super Junior's success as entertainers, other Korean entertainment managements began to train their music groups in other areas of entertainment, such as acting andhosting.[5] In addition to their commercial success, Super Junior has earned seven music awards from the M.net Asian Music Awards, eleven from the Golden Disk Awards, and is the second singing group to win Favorite Artist Korea at the 2008 MTV Asia Awards after JTL(consisting of Jang Woo HyukTony An and Lee Jae Won of H.O.T) in 2003.